Aye! Aye!

Congratulations and Welcome onboard the Product Analytics 101 ship, matey!!

🐱‍👓 Ship's notice board

All the important updates about the coming week, to-do's will be updated here

(this will shortly be updated)

<aside> 💟 Before we jump into the details, just have a small request:



<aside> 📌 Over the last few weeks, our volunteers have spent 100s of hours curating this short cohort just for you to get maximum benefit in just 4 weeks. All in a pay it forward manner. Our request to you.. 4 weeks of learning followed by an assessment and completion certificate. Give it your best shot :)


Now let's help you understand what to expect over the next 4 weeks and how you can make the best of it.

Product Analytics 101 is divided into 4 main segments:

🖥️ Live Learning sessions from the best product analytics instructor (Yes, only one professor throughout) and guest sessions

📒 Weekly assignments and pre reads

🍺 Slack networking on our channel "product-analytics"

🚀 Final Assessment and Completion Certificate

In this knowledge base, you will get everything you need during the 4-week cohort. From tool information to curriculum to weekly assignments as they are announced.

Please join our TPF slack workspace to get the latest updates and announcements and network with other fellow passengers Here's the list of Product Analytics 101 channels on slack.

After joining TPF's slack workspace, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Add new channels" on the left panel
  2. Search "product-analytics" channel
  3. Enter the channel

Follow the same steps for "product-analytics-101-announcement" channel. Please note, these steps will only work if you have entered TPF's slack workspace in the first place.

<aside> 👋 #product-analytics :Tell us about you, where you work, your superpowers, your biggest pet peeve, and your social handles.


<aside> 📢 #product-analytics-101-announcements: All official Product Analytics 101 notifications will be announced here. Follow this one to keep up with the program updates


Program Details 🐱‍🏍

<aside> 🔔 Know friends who want to get into Product Management/Analytics? Share Product Analytics 101 with them, we're closing registrations on 19th Nov, 2021 Register Here
